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Kolimbithres beach in Paros

Kolimbithres beach in Paros

Kolimbithres beach is in the northern part of Paros island.

Being one of the most famous places for swimming in Paros, this is basically a line of consecutive beaches that share similar characteristics. Impressive rocks of extraordinary shapes in and out of sea, sculpted with unparalleled art by nature, will leave you in awe. Especially the rocks inside water have gotten over the years such a form that look like fonts, creating small individual pools where you can immerse in relaxation. While, other rocks resemble sculptures only a top artist could create. Honestly, this beach is among the most jaw dropping settings we have ever found ourselves into. By the way, your jaws too will be satisfied here as in Kolybithres you will find great restaurants and a beach bar to frame your day by the beach.

Chances are that by the end of the day, you won't be able to part with Kolimbithres. This amazing experience will be forever in your memory and your photo album!

  • Category: Leisure and Recreation
  • Subcategory: Beaches

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